Monday, March 4, 2013

Traveling the Road

I had an interesting experience today as I was working on one of my latest art pieces.

There I was, sitting at my sewing machine, working on a rather mesmerizing quilting pattern of continuous line spirals, and it spoke to my heart.

Free motion quilting on an intricate pattern can be quite challenging.  For this pattern, especially after doing several of them, I started to glance ahead to see how much I still had to complete.  Bad idea...the needle wandered a bit off the prescribed line!!  Not a good thing when attempting concentric circle spirals.

Back to concentration....

I tried to glance backwards (all while still sewing) at what I had already stitched to check to be sure I was still on the line.  Another bad idea...the needle wandered a bit off the prescribed line!!

Back to concentration....

Kept my eye on each single stitch.  Would you believe that was not the answer either!!

Finally I found that if I concentrated just enough to see the immediate area, it was not long until I found the rhythm I needed to get a free and easy flow of fabric through the machine.

What on earth is this life lesson you might ask?   Well, as it spoke to my it is.

When traveling the road throughout my life, if I look too far ahead I can stumble on rocks or other things in the path.  If I turn to look behind and measure my progress (while still walking) I can get totally off the path. And if I concentrate so much on each individual step, staring at the ground right at my feet, I can walk right into a tree or a wall.

But....when I relax (let Abba give me the appropriate perspective on my journey) and see the road from His viewpoint, I travel more free and easy, flowing in His guidance for my travels.

Praying that your travel along your road, following His guidance, will be joyful and rewarding!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome example! Neat. Love you, and hope to see you soon.
