His Wonderful Gifts to Me

Although I post gifts as they arrive, or are discovered, this page will list them as they are without additional explanation.

#1 - We have discovered trustworthy mechanics close to home to take the car to!
#2 - Having re-joined AAA so they can tow the car to these wonderful mechanics of integrity!
#3 - Abba's perfect timing in bringing this to me on the very day I have dubbed as "the first day of my New Life"!
#4 - The faithfulness of a long-time friend to share all this with me. Listening to God telling her to pass it on.
#5 - Abba shared with me His creative nature and helped me see the artist He placed inside me long ago...now unburied.
#6 - A lifemate, my wonderful husband. Not only is he all I ever wanted...he is all I ever needed as a husband.
#7 - Our second son who is already living in perfect joy with Abba.
#8 - KNOWING that I will not forever be separated from him. See you soon Beffer.
#9 - KNOWING that as a month ago, my wonderfully sweet, kind and loving dad joined him. I often picture them together.
#10 - The blessing of TRUE and close "sisters of the heart". How could I travel without you wonderful women!
#11 - A spiritual foundation, built and fostered over many generations before me and hopefully many after me.
#12 - Children of Abba who are so wonderfully adept at sharing their stories and the lessons they have learned - so those of us less talented can read them and see guideposts along the path.
#13 - Abba knows just where she is and just what she needs. He is able to care for her deep in her sweet, loving and tender heart in ways I could never do.
#14 - The release of pain through sobs without sound or words.
#15 - His Living Word speaks to the deep places of my being in ways that no human logic or consolation can.
#16 - "God is my refuge and my strength. A very present help in trouble." - Psalm 46:1
#17 - Although our journeys are different and individual, we can still encourage and assist each other.
#18 - I thank Abba continually that He has blessed me with heart-sisters and brothers who helped me battle when I was exhausted.
#19 - the blessing of “being still”…”waiting”…R & R.
#20 - the internet, without which I would be missing out on knowing such amazing people as I have been blessed to meet.
#21 - my art studio - my oasis, my sanctuary, my place of refuge, my meeting place with Abba.
#22 - Coffee together with my husband every morning on our 4 season porch.
#23 - Abba is awesome and exceptional.
#24 - even if we head a wrong direction, misunderstand His leading, or whatever, He is big enough to work with that to bring about His perfect will anyway.
#25 - Over and over again seeing the hand of a loving and powerful Abba leading and keeping us.
#26 - all Abba taught us, began in us that we didn't even recognize at the time, was successful in HIS economy.
#27 - He is faithful....always. He can't be unfaithful or forgetful of us. It is not His nature...ever.
#28 - His fingerprints are all over our life...my life.
#29 - I jump in the coracle and take off without fear...knowing Who is the rudder, Who is the current of the sea that moves and guides my little boat to wherever He knows I need to be.
#30 - In the audit of my life...I know the "success" of being loved by an amazing Love and forgiven by an amazing Grace and protected by powerful Strength.
#31 - The books are balanced and all accounts are in order because of who HE is and his amazing grace and love.
#32 - Earl Gray tea...with cream. Comfort in a teacup.
#33 - What I see as monster mountains are just "another day at the office" for Abba.
#34 - My God is so BIG, so strong and so mighty. There's NOTHING my God cannot do!
#35 - Little love notes from Abba - a butterfly on my shoulder, aroma of cut grass, an unexpected hug.
#36 - Big or small - all miracles are the same to Abba. All are in His realm of possibility
#37 - He spoke the universe into existence. He can handle my mountains
#38 - I choose to see Him as BIG and know that He will adjust my vision to be more like His
#39 - Time with my heart-sister for a 2 hour coffee. It's just like church to me
#40 - I get to pray for people that mean the world to me
#41 - Those I know who don't know Him....He is the one who will win them...that's His job, not mine.
#42 - Eyes of an artist that can see beautiful art in odd bits of "junk"
#43 - Abba is a "junk junkie", too!
#44 - Abba sees us through the eyes of the Great Creator...the source of all creativity.
#45 - He sees the potential for me in His beautiful design
#46 - His plans are to give me hope and a future, plans to prosper me not to harm me
#47 - My husband's wonderful smile and protecting embrace
#48 - Memories, while painful, still a closeness to those not here
#49 - Reconnecting with family not seen in decades!
#50 - Pizza - especially when I lose track of time in my studio and there is no dinner planned...or prepared!
#51 - My studio - my oasis and retreat.  My place to be creative and explore
#52 - Art and making art. Getting to share in this gift with the Great Creator
#53 - Unconditional love expressed from Abba through amazing friends
#54 - Fall leaves in all their varieties and stages
#55 - My cool camera which helps me capture images that inspire me
#56 - The first nip of fall in the air...the promise of winter (which I happen to love!)
#57 - Sharing the blessings Abba has given to my friends...to share in their joy...unreservedly
#58 - Second chances...and third ones as well
#59 - Shared joy. His love in me that can rejoice with others as if it was my own happiness
#60 - He upholds me even when I get lost. That one sheep teetering on the rocky cliff so close to falling
#61 - Provision where none was seen before. So obviously from His hand.
#62 - He made me a risk-taker. I love that gift.
#63 - Coffee. Especially shared with my precious husband as we start out day sharing together.
#64 - New opportunities in places I would never have looked for them.
#65 - Purple - I love purple...flowers, ribbons, textiles, glasses...... I keep a lot of purple around me.
#66 - Autumn. I find it invigorating and full of promise and excitement.
#67 - The fish character Dora - How often I keep going, hearing in my head....just keep swimming, just keep swimming
#68 - Other artists that inspire me to new things
#69 - Getting to see my grandchildren again at least sometimes
#70 - Having tea time with a distant friend via phone
#71 - My live in computer "geek" - my husband. Saves me tons of money and time
#72 - His Word which brings me challenges, comfort, instruction and love
#73 - At last finding a church home
#74 - Music - definitely one of His great creations
#75 - 4am friends
#76 - Unending grace and mercy
#77 - The privilege to make art
#78 - Fresh grapes in winter
#79 - Snow --- yes---I LOVE IT!
#80 - Getting to "reconcile the books and start over" by choice, instead of by disaster
#81 - My computer
#82 - Not having to cook ANYTHING for Thanksgiving
#83 - Friends who took us in over Thanksgiving

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