Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Reconcile The Books

It seems there is inspiration to be found in any number of places. Sometimes unexpected ones!

Yesterday I was reading in a trade magazine I subscribe to. The Editor's column was about "times when we are forced to 'reconcile the books' and start over." One obvious time being the New Year with all it's hopeful and optimistic resolutions. But then she carried it over to an artist she knows who lost all of their current art creations, supplies and business as their studio washed down a river during Hurricane Irene. It follows with the inspiring story of how she started over. Even how this incident "allowed" her to experiment with a new avenue of art she had been wanting to explore.

As an artist, I could not imagine losing all the things I've done and all my carefully gathered supplies in one fateful day.

And it challenged me to think long and hard.....

Not long into this enlightening soul search, I was thinking. Thinking about how so often, when life throws me a curve, I get behind on projects and art work deadlines (self-imposed ones mostly). Just recently, I was feeling burdened by falling behind in an online group where one of my goals (set no doubt during a time of great energy and optimism) is to do something new every week.  I'm now about 5 weeks behind.  So I had already decided to just start over where I am today and let those 5 weeks go...off into the wind...and taking the guilt and "failure" along with them.

Then that still small Voice reminded me.....

The same is true in our spiritual adventure.  We don't have to be burdened with past failures, missed opportunities, errors in judgement, etc.  He has given us a great promise....His own reminder to "reconcile the books and start over".

Lamentations 3:22-24

     The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
   His mercies never come to an end;
      they are new every morning;    
   great is your faithfulness.

So I start each day with a blank canvas....what will Abba and I paint on it today? What new adventure shall we explore? I can hardly wait!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Somewhere in the Background

If you follow this blog....you will know that "being still" is definitely a challenge for me.

And yet....my heart hears almost daily....."Be Still"

It comes from unexpected sources sometimes. But the message is the same...


Recently I was having a long-distance "tea" with a dear friend. It was a particularly vulnerable day...things going on that left my heart wounded and feelings barely hanging onto my sleeve they were so in the forefront.

One situation in particular - the one with the loudest "Be Still" written all over it - came up in our conversation. When I mentioned that I was off and on having a time of it...being still and all.

My friend made a simple comment.  Not like a thundering sermon or "Here's what you have to do!" kind of thing.  Just a comment in our discussion.

But it rocked my world!

Her comment: "Just because you are being still doesn't mean nothing is being done."


I mean really.....could I be any more arrogant????  To think that if I wasn't doing anything then nothing was happening?  Oh sure....I could SAY that I was trusting Abba to take care of this situation and turn things around. But was I really?  If I WAS, would that comment have hit me right in that vulnerable heart???

Just thinking of that every day since our "tea" keeps me humbled before Abba and so much more aware of how feeble my attempts at resolution would be anyway.  To KNOW that He is working...no matter what it looks like....even though it might be somewhere in the background of the situation.....well let's just say that life is much more peaceful.

Oh I still talk to Him about it.  That's because that situation is never far from my thoughts.  In fact, any "down" time....time when I'm not keeping busy with daily adventures...the second I quiet down - it is there.  But now I see it differently.  I see more of His hand working in it and not my stillness.

So I will remain still... (the lyrics of "Be Still My Soul" by the Imperials are in my head....soothing my heart)

I trust Him....completely....quietly......in stillness.