Saturday, September 22, 2012

Big and Small

BIG and small are very different I least where miracles are concerned...or so I thought.

So many situations in life today need BIG miracles. I mean parting the Red Sea, burning bush, stopping time kind of miracles. These situations seem to need BIG miracles - at least to me they do. Mainly I suppose because I can't come up with a human, logical, probable idea of what a solution might even be!

Then I they seem like BIG miracles to Abba? From His perspective are any of them BIG miracles...or just what He does everyday anyway...somewhere...for someone. Those mind-blowing monster mountains that loom up in front of me are probably not all that huge to Him...are they?

This has been a very unsettling thought for today. I think I'm asking Abba for something next to impossible.  Like I think He has to work extra hard to bring it about. But in considering it all...I'm thinking that is not at all what is going on.

He is HUGE...more than my small human mind can get around that's for sure. Aren't all the monster mountains just "another day at the office" for Him?(#33) When I consider it...I think that just might be so!

Can you see how that changes everything???? Drastically changes EVERYTHING!!!!

I have to chuckle as I write this because that "child's" chorus is now ringing in my head....

My God is so BIG
There's NOTHING my God cannot do! (#34)

Perhaps we need the assurance of that chorus as adults even more than the kids do!

Give it a minute...just consider the concept...

Did Abba have to work extra hard to part the Red Sea? Now I don't think so.

Can a perception change so quickly? Yes. Can I now "live" there? Oh I hope so!!! How life would change, how much worry and fear would vanish.  Just to think that these huge scary monsters are really quite simple to Him. Oh I've said many times that verse that all things are possible, etc. but that didn't break that paralizing fear and doubt in my heart that they just might not be probable! Why? Because my perception was all out of whack! Did I dare ask Him for something so HUGE? I lived like He saw the mountains from my perspective as well. Now it's all different!

Then I think of the other end of the spectrum....small miracles. I've always thought of these as Abba's little love notes to remind me that He is still in control while the BIG miracles are still in process. We all have unexpected lovely little thing. 

A butterfly lands on your shoulder, the wind brings the aroma of fresh cut grass, a quick unexpected hug from someone you adore.(#35)  You get the picture.  Just like a little loving smile from our Father.

Then I looked at that concept again after thinking about this earlier today. I was still pondering it when I read this quote on another blog....

Sometimes when I consider what tremendous
consequences come from little things,
I am tempted to think
there are no little things.  ---Bruce Barton

 That is when the light broke through, the Eureka moment, that Aha! for today.

BIG or small - all are the same to Abba! All are so completely in His realm of possibility. (#36)

He who merely spoke the whole universe into existence - even my big monster mountains are small in comparison to that! (#37)


My God is so BIG
There's NOTHING my God cannot do!!!

Now I choose to see HIM as BIG and know that He will help me adjust my vision.(#38) Help me see things like big scary monster mountains from His perspective! This could be a really fun part of the journey!!

1 comment:

  1. Good job! You are right on target. When our boys were young, and Ben was such a challenge, I went to a therapist for awhile. The main thing I took away from that experience is what you "learned" in today's blog. When I just REST in Him, knowing that He has everything under control, life is good no matter how icky things seem to me. Seeing things from God's perspective (as much as I can), gives me inner peace. Just knowing I can trust Him to know best and to do the best for me, is one of those BIG miracles for me. Remembering can be a challenge, when things go crazy, but it is ALWAYS true no matter how I feel or perceive things.
    Keep on going - your journey is a great one. Thanks for inviting me along.
    Love you lots.
