Thursday, October 18, 2012

"Longer Then Forever" Friends

"We'll be friends forever, won't we, Pooh?' asked Piglet
'Even longer,' Pooh answered"     --  A. A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

There are few things as sweet as a true friend.

I can only think of a couple of things more precious

My salvation - and my Saviour

My family - especially my husband and my grandkids

Friends are right up there in the top AWESOME blessings from Abba.  I can say that because I am truly blessed with amazing friends.  These are people who go through the battles with us and are there to watch our backs at every turn.  These are people who love us (and trust our friendship) enough to tell us the truth.  They encourage us, weep with us, laugh out loud with us, dream with us...

This is not just some "Oh Hi How Are You" kind of relationship.  When a true friend asks you how you are...they really want to know!! Go figure! And when you ask them...they will tell you exactly how they are without varnish or embarassment.  A trusted love for sure.

Often we stand amazed at our friends and wonder if we are worthy of such love and devotion.  The answer (well MY answer anyway) is always, NO.

BUT they don't seem to care!!  They just keep loving us anyway! How can we not return that love in kind??

And I'm impressed that Abba deals with us the same way.....our dearest and most intimate friend.

Do we deserve HIS love and devotion?  No way.  BUT...He doesn't seem to care!! He just loves us perfectly anyway!

How can we not return THAT love in kind?? 

To love HIM....

When life is just down right horrible from what we can see

When we have lost what we hold dear and love deeply

When we mean well but it all turns out pear-shaped

When we are betrayed by someone we have trusted

When we are powerless to change things we KNOW are wrong

We see these sad and distressing situations and feel a-whirl in a sea of confusion and questions.  But...when we look just a smidge past these things...

There He is........calm.......caring......ready to comfort, although not always ready to explain.....

And often we see a tear in His eye....because He knows we hurt, He knows our confusion, He hears our questions...

And HE knows that He will see it all His His way.

In the meantime, He just wants us to trust, believe, enjoy and be thankful.......

For HE IS......

He is ALL things.......He is Longer Than Forever....and besides being God of the entire universe.....He has chosen to call us, YES US!! that wonderful word....


Our BEST Longer Than Forever Friend

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