Thursday, October 4, 2012

Given and Taken Away

The Lord gave

The Lord has taken away

The Lord gave back

The Lord took away again

Now the Lord has given again.

The same some crazy yo-yo or something.

Job 1:21 - the Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised!

The giving is so easy to praise the name of the Lord. I can rejoice and give Him all glory and honor and praise.
In my own heart and in the congregation, my community of believers, my chosen family around the world.

Then he takes away that very gift I so praised Him for.  I gave Him all the honor and glory.  I did it all "right"!! But the gift is still gone. Did I miss something? Did I not do enough? Oh I'm more than willing to admit that I have no idea a lot of the time. But I gave it my best...that I know. So what went so terribly wrong?  I struggle so hard to understand!

Then the gift returns!  OH HAPPY DAY!! All praises all round. Everyone who was praying for just this gift are informed..."God answered our prayers!!!" Rejoicing all over the place...around the world!

Then...the gift is gone....again. Surely not....not again..... How can this happen....again?! Why did the darkness and pain return? I can only answer...I have no idea whatsoever. Praising Him now....with the gift gone....not all that easy.  I thought I had cried all my tears before. I'm so very aware that the supply of tears seems endless.

Praise Him??? Oh I understand the concept but in those first days, I'm surprised I can even get up in the morning to face another day.  I cry out to Abba to ease the pain, to change the situation. And in meeting Him I eventually find that I CAN praise Him. Not FOR the situation but IN the situation.  I slip often...He catches me and sets my feet on the path each time...lovingly....with compassion. No reprimand in sight.  He knows our frame that we are but dust. And at times like this I feel dustier than most others. But HE remains solid and steadfast.

And He gives again.  Not EXACTLY the same gift but a gift to remind me that He loves me and can use even me....slipping, broken, inadequate me. This gift I see as a loving "place holder" while the original gift is still missing.  Not a replacement. That original gift could never be replaced. But a chance to see Him still at work. I have only to open my eyes...and my heart.

Oh yes, the pain of the missing gift is still very real and very deep. He knows that. So I also praise Him that only HE can keep that gift in HIS care just now. He hasn't forgotten or given up.  The gift is not thrown on the trash heap.  That gift is in His loving, caring....and powerful hands. 

And I praise Him for He is still the giver (and the taker) of gifts. But even in the taking, He is still my everything.  In fact, even more so. That is always worthy of praise!!

1 comment:

  1. Funny, that section of Job has been running thru my head all week. Yes, learning that the praise isn't about the gift or the giving, it is only about the Giver. Praising Him in and thru "bad" stuff is what keeps our focus where it needs to be.
    Awesome picture of the sky above your garage. Luv U.
